「飢餓地城」 是一款支援多人連線的大亂鬥遊戲,一群覬覦地下城財寶、名聲;又或是因為迷路、逃亡、尋找仇家而被困在地下城的受困者們,為了逃出地下城而展開一場你爭我奪的飢餓遊戲。
玩家可以選擇多達十名以上各具特色的冒險者們, 例如:骷髏幽靈刺客, 地精奸商, 流浪貓忍者, 公主遊俠, 惡魔聖騎士等獨樹一格的角色, 為了逃出地城而與其他玩家展開一場激烈的廝殺。不同的技能捲軸、裝備,配合角色本身的特性,玩家將可以組合、發明出各式各樣的流派與戰鬥方式,來對抗其它冒險者!
"Hunger Dungeon" is a 1-6 player round-based Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game.
Enter a cutthroat arena with more than 12 heroes including the Dwarf Forgemaster, Octo Pirate, Princess Ranger, and the Demonic Knight!
+ Compete in absolute chaos in Free-for-All or group up and take on other players in classic Team Deathmatch.
+ Mix and match Spell Scrolls and equipment between rounds to optimize your build (like a MOBA).
+Utilize positive and negative status effects to your advantage!
+Or...for those wishing for a greater challenge. Recruit up to 3 other players to take on Dragon Mode, facing off against one of three powerful element dragons for exclusive rewards!