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GAMERella Global Game Jam 2021 2021.07.09(星期五) 8:00 ~ 2021.07.11(星期日) 20:00

GAMERella Global Game Jam 2021

2021.07.09(星期五) 8:00 ~ 2021.07.11(星期日) 20:00





※ 活動時間為當地時間,請以活動主辦公告為準 ※



GAMERella 由 Gina Hara 與 Charlotte Fisher 成立於2013年,並在加拿大的康考迪亞大學 (Concordia University)遊戲研究中心 TAG (Technoculture, Art and Games) 實驗室的領導下進行。是一個特別關注在女性、跨性別及被邊緣化族群的Game Jam與workshop 活動舉辦社群。

GAMERella 今年 ( 2021 ) 的 Game Jam 以線上形式舉辦,有興趣的可多加留意。



去年的 Game Jam 作品:


About Gamerella

GAMERella Global is a special edition game jam that focuses on boosting emerging game makers, by helping participants make industry connections, get mentorship opportunities and receive advice on building a career in the games industry.
To learn more about GAMERella Global and sign up, please visit our home page.

Traditionally GAMERella is a game jam and workshop series that caters to women and marginalized people who haven’t had a chance to make a game before, and runs annualy in early November.

Many people still feel intimidated by the gaming scene and find it difficult to participate in events like game jams. In 2013, GAMERella was conceived at the Montreal based TAG Lab to welcome people who are often marginalized in game-related spaces, and to prove that game jams can be a safe and exciting environment for creating small, innovative games in a short period of time. Everyone, including first-time game makers, is experimenting, learning, and sharing skills with others. We believe that GAMERella is a place to improve a skill, try risky and unconventional game design ideas, meet other developers, and above all, have fun.

Every year, GAMERella creates opportunities to meet all types of people (including those who support underrepresented folks in the industry) who are interested in game development.

Dissatisfied with the game spaces and opportunities provided for women in Montreal’s game scene, Gina Hara and Charlotte Fisher created GAMERella in 2013. Led by Concordia University’s game research centre TAG, industry mentors, support staff and researchers, GAMERella welcomes participants in a low stress, learner-friendly environment, with the aim to change the way people jam, as well as the way people think about gaming.

